This is some of the work of Photoshop Phase IV


NOTE: You can delete the frog part layers that were used as a guide to liquify each section as they are now hidden and aren't used. EXCEPT the head layer, which still has the eyes and nostril showing through

As you can see, the same processes are repeated over and over for different sections of the body until it's completed.

Next is the front arms section. After liquifying another raspberry layer on top of the arm section layer, this is the result:

After a little burning and dodging to get the details of the frog in the raspberry:

Again, I used a layer mask on the raspberry arms and blended it with the rest of the image:

Next was the back leg. Again, with a leg section copied onto another layer and another raspberry layer on top of it, I liquified the raspberry around the leg. Then dodged/burned to get the desired amount of detail:

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