Giving the Stone Depth continued


Right click on the layer effects in the palette and click “Create Layers” to put the drop shadow and bevel-emboss highlights on their own separate (and editable) layers.

Create a layer mask for each of the newly created layers. Using a black semi-hard brush, paint out the unwanted drop shadows – particularly at the edges or where the stone would be lying behind the foreground (as in the example of the arm shown here). Paint out some of the highlights where the sun wouldn't be shining, and to vary the thickness of the highlight line. You can just delete the shadow layer created by the bevel/emboss effect – since we have the drop shadow already we don't need it.

Final Touches - Hair

Now with the top visible layer selected, click “ctrl-alt-shift-E” to create a new layer with all visible layers merged (stamped visible layer).

With a small round brush, select the smudge tool with about 92-95% strength and carefully pull out some wisps of hair around the head to make it look more like real hair.

Final Touches - Dodge & Burn

Then go around the whole image and dodge highlights and burn midtones where it seems appropriate. I burned areas like below the chin and where the hair meets the cheek and neck. I dodged in some highlights in the hair and where the sun hit the face and arm.

When it looks just right, flatten the image (save the layered file first in case you want to go back to it) and do a levels adjustment and a final photo filter to warm the whole image and tie the tones together.

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