Learning Microsoft Word to view - it looks Word


At the time of running Word, will appear a window equipped with various components of each window word.Masing these components has a specific function to create and provide information to our information when working with a document.
As an introduction, the function of each component will be discussed briefly following a more ini.Pembahasan akn mendatail discussed one by one when we learn to use these components.

1.Title Bar
Title Bar serves to show the name of the current document in the document Word.Nama window sesuia the file name of the document tersebut.Bila display documents never saved, the name displayed dokumenyang never stored, the name of the document shown is Documen1, Documen2, and rivals.

2.Kontrol window
The window controls are located above the window dibagain word bar.Kontrol parallel with the window title 3buah otmbol.Tombol consists of the first with a minus sign (-) function to display memperkecilkan second jendela.Tombol with a box () function to display meperbesarkan third button with jendela.sedangkan sign (x) berffungsi to close the window.

3.Menu bar
MNU is a bar where the menu includes a list of commands word.Masing each menu contains commands that each berhubungan.Perintah-yangh orders contained in one of the menus display a [pabilan menu diklik.Sebuah command is executed when the command is clicked.

Toolbar is a component that contains the window-Tombo perintah.Setiap button represents a command button located on menu.kita can run a command that terdapt clicking on the button de4ngan menu command in the toolbar button toolbar.Setiap has pictures that make it easier to recognize the commands executed by the key.

In sdaat word window is displayed, the cursor will be displayed on the page represents a page section dokumen.Kursor are aktif.Huruf document typed on the keyboard will ditabahkan at page document exactly where the cursor is.

6.Task pane
Task pane is a small window located in the Office application that contains lists of commands that are biased digunakan.Task pane to the right place at the window with a small word so that we can use these commands while still working. Microsoft Word

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