| In :


~ Stroke Ringan/Berat
~ Lemah Jantung
~ Gangguan Pernapasan
~ Diabetes
~ Asam Urat
~ Kista
~ Hipertensi
~ Liper
~ Maag Kronis
~ Tumor
~ Kanker
~ Batu Ginjal
~ Asma
~ Kolestrol
~ Amandel
~ Pendarahan Hebat
~ Kembali Perawan
~ Keseleo
~ Lumpuh
~ Patah Tulang
~ Ejakulasi Dini
~ Impoten
~ Gangguan Mahluk Gaib
~ Terkena guna-guna. Dll

Terbukti ampuh membuka Kharisma seseorang hingga pancaran aura bersinar amat terang.
~ Mahar I. Rp. 4.000.000,-
~ II. Rp.800.000,-
~ III. Rp.1.200.000,-

Ajian Arjuna
Ajian ini sangat bagus untuk anda kaum Pria yang akan membuat anda tampak lebih tampan, berwibawa, disegani banyak orang, dan disukai banyak kaum wanita.
~ Mahar Rp.800.000,-
~ Tingkat sempurna Rp. 1.500.000,-

Menjadikan seorang pria senantiasa tampak awet muda, tampan, gagah, perkasa, berwibawa, percaya diri dan memancarkan aura ketampanan seperti nabi Yusuf.
~ Mahar Rp.800.000,-
~ Tingkat sempurna Rp.2.000.000,-


Kegunaannya: Jaga diri, kekebalan, Pernapasan (tenaga dalam) kebal air keras pengasihan, pelancar usaha, disegani banyak orang, penolak santet/sihir sebangsa Jin, dll.
~ Mahar Tingkat I Rp.2.000.000,-
~ Tingkat II Rp. 4.000.000,-
~ Tingkat III Rp. 6.000.000,-

Kasiat kegunaan, untuk kekebalan badan, tidak mampu ditikam, ditembak, dipukul.
~ Mahar Tingkat I Rp.2.500.000,-
~ Mahar Tingkat II Rp.5.000.000,-

Kegunaannya: Disegani orang, memperlancar rizqi.
~ Mahar Rp.1.000.000,-

~ Mahar Rp.800.000,-

~ Mahar RP.1.200.000,-

~ Mahar Rp.2.000.000


Spesial khusus buat memanggil pemanggilan pasangan / kekasih yang berpaling/ingin ingkar (juga pada orang yang pergi tanpa pamit) dalam sekejap segera pulang.
Mahar Rp.400.000,-
Khusus Rp.1.600,000,-

Khusus untuk mempercepat penjualan apa saja (tanah, rumah, dll) segera terjual dengan harga bagus. Juga berfungsi untuk penglaris.
Mahar Rp.400.000,-
Khusus Rp.1.600.000,-

Mematikan ingatan (birahi) para suami yang suka jajan diluar dan diprogram birahinya hanya untuk istrinya meskipun berjauhan berbulan-bulan dan tidak tergoda oleh secantik apapun wanita. Sebaliknya istri yang selama ini suka berselingkuh dibikin birahinya hanya untuk suaminya. Rumah tangga anda pasti aman, tanpa ada selingkuh lagi dan harmonis. (kirimkan nama ayah, dan celana dalam pasangan anda) Mahar Rp. 500.000,-
Tingkat I Rp.1.500.000,-
Tingkat II Rp.3.000.000,-
Tingkat Sempurna Rp.5.500.000,-

Daya tarik tingkat tinggi, memperlancar rezeki, mempercepat perjodohan, menarik simpati pejabat/pimpinan, menambah lengket pasangan, dll. (kirim nama ayah) cantik dan unik. Mahar Rp. 2.000.000,-

Anda merasa dijahui jodoh? Lawan jenis/sejenis, yang anda lirik selalu menjauhi anda? Wajah kusam tanpa rona? Rezeki seret? Selalu dikucilkan  teman? Semua sial yang ada di tubuh anda akan dibuang... dan keberuntungan akan selalu bersama anda. (nama dan nama ayah) Mahar Rp. 865.000,-

Merubah wajah tua menjadi muda (40 tahu kelihatan 25 tahun) bukan wajah gemerlap jadi cerah ceria dan kelihatan tampil sempurna, mengencangkan kulit wajah dan badan anda pasti tampil cantik/tampan sangat luar biasa... didepan lawan jenis/sejenis (untuk pria dan wanita) tanpa  pantangan dan efek samping. Cocok buat sales, pekerja malam/hiburan/artis dan umum. (kirim nama dan nama ayah) bisa jarak jauh. Khasiat sama dengan sususk emas, berlian, dll. Mahar Rp. 865.000,- Paket II termasuk ruwatan sengkolo/sial mahar Rp. 1.600.000,-

Majikan yang semena-mena bawahan akan bikin tunduk, sayang dan perhatian pada bawahannya, membentengi diri dari segala serangan kebathinan. Anda bikin aman dan nyaman dalam menjalani rutinitas anda sehari-hari (nama dan nama ayah). Mahar Rp. 850.000,-

Ajian gendam yang mampu menggerakkan jiwa seseorang yang kita tuju, supaya bertekuk lutut, tidak pelit serta menuruti kemauan kita. Teruji keberhasilannya. Mahar Rp. 400.000,- Khusus Rp. 1.500.000,-

Berguna membuka aura kecantikan dan ketampanan abadi, terlihat berwibawa, dihormati, disegani, awet muda sepanjang masa. Selain itu untuk pegangan hidup agar selalu jaya, karier lancar, usaha maju dan membuat percaya diri bagi pemakainya. Mahar Rp. 1.000.000,- Khusus Rp. 3.000.000,-

Ritual khusus untuk menarik sekaligus menyatukan kembali suami/istri/kekasih yang lama atau baru berpisah (walaupun tidak keberadaannya). Insya Allah semua bisa dibuat cinta kangen rindu dan setianya menjadi tunduk dan patuh pada anda (paten dan permanen). bisa untuk orang minggat. Mahar Rp. 800.000,-
Khusus Rp.1.800.000,-

Pengasihan ilmu ampuh ini berkekuatan maha dahsyat, cepat dan mujarap karena secara langsung menembus dan menguasai sukma bathin dan akal fikiran orang yang anda tuju sehingga menjadi cinta, kangen, rindu, lengket dan ingin selalu dekat pada anda, dengan sarana berjabat tangan, pandangan mata, asap rokok, makanan/minuman. Mahar Rp. 600.000,-

Apabila sususk sudah disatukan anda tampil luar biasa, siapa yang memandang akan terpesona, daya pengasihan yang terpancar sangat dahsyat, aura yang gemerlap sungguh menakjubkan. Membuat anda cantik atau tampan, awet muda, pasangan selalu lengket, pedar aura mistis, daya tarik atau pikat, wajah bersinar, anggun mempesona, taklukkan hanya dengan senyuman. Manfaatnya lebih ampuh dari susuk apapun, setelah diselaraskan akan langsung fokus ke seluruh tubuh. Anda akan mengalami perubahan yang sangat drastis, mengagumkan serta membuat kulit dan wajah lebih bercahaya, memancarkan daya tarik yang auranya bisa langsung dirasakan orang disekeliling, memunculkan pesona kharismatik, membuat kecantikan-ketampanan secara lami, menetralisir kekuatan jahat, pelarisan, pelancaran usaha apapun, kesuksesan akan membuat anda bahagia. Mahar Wojo Rp. 750.000,-. Emas Rp. 1.000.000,- Intan Rp. 1.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 2.000.000,- Samber Lilin Rp. 3.000.000,-

TERBUKTI LUAR BIASA!!! Silahkan bercermin sebelum dipasang susuk, akan jelas kelihatan bedanya... anda akan tampil cantik sempurna dengan spontan. Lebih percaya diri AWET MUDA sepanjang masa. AURA bersinar, tampil anggun dan mempesona. Melangkah pasti dengan kecantikan tiada tara, siapapun yang memandang akan luluh hantinya, tunduk dan terpesona. Anda tmpil bak bidadari kayangan, menjadi pusat perhatian orang dan menjadu idola kaum lelaki. kulit & wajah manis berseri, tampil JOSS sempurna total dengan wajah bersinar menawan, kharismatik, daya pengasihan, memuluskan karier  dan kelancaran rizqi serta bikin pasangan/suami makin lengker dan tergila-gila.
MAHAR WOJO Rp. 1.500.000,- Emas Rp. 2.000.000,- Intan Rp. 3.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 5.000.000,- Samber Lilin Rp. 7.500.000,- - 8.500.000,- - 10.000.000,-

Sangat cocok untuk ibu-ibu yang suami pelit, pekerja malam (BAR, CAFE, DISKOTIK) sales, marketing, bisnis, agar bisa dengan mudah mendapatkan harta dari pasangan/tamu/klien, diperhatikan semua ucapan, pelarisan, pengasihan, AWET MUDA, tampil sempurna dengan wajah bersinar AYU/TAMPAN. Mahar WOJO Rp. 750.000,- Emas Rp. 1.000.000,- Intan Rp. 1.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 2.000.000,- Samber Lilin Rp. 3.000.000,-

Spesial pelarisan untuk pekerja malam, agar banyak tamu, pelanggan, memperkuat posisi istri muda/simpanan, membuka aura, kecantikan , daya tarik, awet muda, meluluhkan setiap hati pasangan/hati kaum adam. MAHAR WOJO Rp. 550.000,- Emas Rp. 1.000.000,- Intan Rp. 1.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 2.000.000,- Samber Lilin Rp. 3.000.000,-

Anda sudah bosan? buka aura kemana-mana tidak ada hasilnya? Wajah gelap, kusam, umur muda kelihatan tua, kurang menarik? ini solusi yang tepat untuk anda. Mudah... tanpa pantangan dan efek samping AURA anda langsung terbuka, mengandung daya tarik, pikat yang sungguh hebat, sehingga bikin orang lainkagum, membedah total sisi AURA GELAP anda menjadi terang, membuka diri anda lebih menarik, sedap di pandang, kharismatik, faktor keberuntungan dan dampak positif akan segera anda raih. Meliputi ketenangan, keharmonisan, cinta, citra dan popularitas. Membuat diri anda lebih yakin dengan penampilan AWET MUDA, PESONA, KESUKSESAN DAN MENJADI PUSAT PERHATIAN ORANG. Mahar Wojo Rp. 750.000,- Emas Rp. 1.000.000,- Intan Rp. 1.500.000,- Berlian 2.000.000,- Samber lilin Rp. 3.000.000,-

Samber lilin yang sudah disempurnakan dengan penggabungan pelet “TINGKAT TINGGI” dengan berlapis-lapis dalam proses ritual, sehingga bisa disebut Samber Lilin Pamungkas. Akan berfungsi sebagai “PANAH ASMARA” paling akurat, hanya dengan pandangan, senyuman dan tepukan, lelaki akan bertekuk lutut. Tidak mustahil pasangan akan setia selamanya. Mahar biasa Rp. 1.500.000,- Khusus Rp. 2.000.000,- Istimewa Rp. 3.000.000,-

Dengan media “Bunga Cempaka” yang sudah di ritualkan secara khusus, sehingga pnya kegaiban yang “Luar Bisa” susuk pemikat yang jarang ditemui dizaman sekarang, dapat memikat siapa saja yang diinginkan. Yang benci menjadi cinta, yang cinta semakin sayang, bahkan musuhpun bisa berbalik menjadi kasih dan sayang serta menghormati. MELOBY BISNIS & MENAGKAN TENDER, “AURA” cinta akan selalu memancar disetiap arah dan langkah, sehingga membuat yang memandang “TERPANA”. Mahar Biasa Rp. 1.000.000,- khusus Rp. 1.500.000,- Istimewa Rp. 3.000.000,-

Tiada duanya, lengkap dan serba guna, banyak di pakai PEJABAT, ARTIS, SELEBRITIS, PENGUSAHA, & orang-orang “TERKEMUKA”. Seluruh manfaat Susuk Mega Bintang, SusukTujuh Bidadari, Susuk Semar Mesem - Jaran Goyang, Susuk pengeretan Sapu regel, Susuk Kanthil Dewi Cinta, Susuk Aura Rembulan, Susuk Samber Lilin Pamungkas dan Susuk Kembang Arum sudah jadi satu didalam Susuk Melati Keraton, sehingga siap menyongsong kesuksesan dalam waktu singkat. Mahar Emas Rp. 3.500.000,- Intan Rp. 5.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 7.500.000,- Samber Lilin Kesepakatan.

Spesial Pengasihan yang luar biasa, senyuman anda akan membuat siapapun hanyut luluh, semua mata yang memandang akan terpesona, daya pengasihan yang demikian hebat akan terpancar setiap saat, meluluhkan setiap pasangan, atasan, bawahan, klien bisnis, dan menjadi pusat perhatian, lebih wibawa tapi menebar pesona. Faktor keberuntungan dan dampak positif akan secepatnya anda raih, meliputi ketenangan, keharmonisan, kesuksesan, cinta dan popularitas, sehingga membuat diri anda lebih yakin dengan penampilan pesona kesuksesan. Mahar Baja Rp. 550.000,- Emas Rp. 1.000.000,- Intan Rp. 1.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 2.000.000,- Samber Lilin Rp. 3.000.000,-

Solusi bagi ibu-ibu yang suami pelit, istri muda, pekerja malam agar pasangan lebih royal dan mudah memberi harta atau apa yang kita minta pasangan lebih sayang, marketing pelaku bisnis agar diperhatikan semua ucapan , mempengaruhi klien, menimbulkan welan asih, daya pesona yang luar bisa. Mahar Baja Rp. 550.000,- Emas Rp. 1.000.000,- Intan Rp. 1.500.000,- Berlian Rp. 2.000.000,- Samber Lilin Rp. 3.000.000,-

Khusus pelaris pekerja malam, agar banyak tamu, pelanggan, pasangan welas asih, royal memberi harta, apa yang kita minta selalu diperhatikan, diberikan. Pelaris / Pelancar usaha apapun, menarik pembeli, pelanggan agar usaha cepat maju dan berkembang.
Mahar Baja Rp. 550.000,-
Emas Rp. 1.000.000,-
Intan Rp. 1.500.000,-
Berlian Rp. 2.000.000,-
Samber Lili Rp. 3.000.000,-

Cukup dioleskan di ujung jari, sekali colek langsung yang dituju keedanan dan tergila-gila baik sejenis maupun lawan jenis sekaligus dapat meruntuhkan kesombongannya.
Mahar Rp. 400.000,-
Khusus Rp.1.500.000,-

Dikhususkan untuk para pria/suami yang sudah terlanjur memiliki istri lebih dari satu atau lebih, untuk dipersatukan agar menjadi rukun dan damai, tidak terjadi kecekcokan/menjadi akur.
Mahar Rp. 400.000,-
Khusus Rp.1.000.000,-

Bagi anda yang terlambat jodoh, jangan takut dan jangan risau dengan ritual dan memakai azimat ini, Insya Allah dalam waktu 41 hari Anda akan bertemu teman dan akan menjadi jodohnya.
Mahar Rp. 800.000,-
Khusus Rp.1.400.000,-

Sesombong dan seangkuh orang yang anda taksir runtuh seketika bila menghirup asap rokok yang telah diisi dan dimantrai, ilmu pelet tingkat tinggi Warisan Karuhun Banten, bisa membuat korbannya tunduk takluk pasrah jiwa raga selamanya. Mahar Rp. 800.000,-

Dikhususkan bagi yang sulit jodoh, sering gagal dalam pacaran, sering ditolak lawan jenis. Akan segera mendapatkan jodoh idaman, tidak mengenal batas usia sekalipun anda berumur 40 tahun. Mahar Rp. 350.000,- Khusus Rp. 550.000,-

Setelah diusapkan wajah, pancaran daya pikat asihnya mampu meruntuhkan hati laki-laki, hanya sekejap dalam pandangan Dia sudah ada dipelukan (cocok bagi wanita yang bekerja di tempat hiburan/entertainment, bisa untuk pasangan sejenis, gay, lesbi). - Bedak ini bisa untuk mengobati penyakit kulit diwajah - Menghaluskan kulit muka. Cerah merona. Mahar Rp. 750.000,- Istimewa Rp. 2.000.000,- Garapan Khusus Mahar Rp. 3.500.000,-

Sangat ampuh bagi anda yang selalu ditimpa kesialan dan masalah, sulit jodoh,  kerja, selalu gagal dalam bisnis dan usaha. Ritual Rp. 390.000,- Khusus Rp. 690.000,-

Anda sudah berkorban jiwa raga lahir bathin segala cara upaya telah anda lakukan untuk meluluhkan hati bos/majikan agar jadi loyal sekaligus menundukkan hati orang yang anda tuju, agar menuruti dan mengabulkan semua permintaan anda serta menepati janjinya dengan perantara khodam ini siapapun orang yang baik didalam maupun diluar negeri atau tinggal ditempat yang anda tidak tahu keberadaannya akan kembali datang untuk memberikan semua yang anda inginkan. Harta benda, uang atau apapun yang anda mau akan langsung diberikan dengan kesadarannya sendiri tanpa berkelit lagi dan andapun tidak harus bersusah paya membujuk dan merayunya.
Mahar I Rp.2.500.000, -
Mahar II Rp. 6.500.000,-
Mahar III Rp.12.500.000,-

Jika sukma terjerat ajian ini, maka rasanya hanya pengen ketemu rindu menangis, kangen setelah mati,  membuat sidia tergila-gila & ingin selalu dekat dengan anda.
Mahar Rp. 650.000,-
Khusus Rp. 1.300.000,-

Cukup dipakai bagi wanita yang ingin permintaannya dituruti dan morotin harta pasangannya, cincin ini cocok untuk wanita malam atau istri simpanan (wanita matrealistis) mahar Rp. 650.000,- Khusus Rp. 2.000.000,- Istimewa Rp. 3.000.000,-

Membuka aura yang tertutup sehingga memiliki aura yang mampu menarik banyak orang, jadikan percaya diri, karir meningkat tidak diremehkan, mudah bergaul dan wajah nampak awet muda. Mahar 590.000,- khusus Rp. 990.000,-

Semua keinginan anda akan dituruti. Susuk ini mempunyai daya magic tinggi. Khusus untuk pengeretan, menghabiskan uang sang pacar.
Mahar Rp. 2.000.000,- Khusus Rp.4.000.000,-


Sebangkrut dan sesepi apapun usaha anda, Insya Allah inti Waqi’ah menjadi solusinya, cocok bagi yang ingin membuka usaha baru maupun yang sudah mengalami kebangkrutan. Bukan pelaris biasa. Mahar Rp. 350.000,- Khusus Rp. 900.000,-

Keselamatan lahir dan Batin mutlak anda perlukan untuk diri anda, keluarga, rumah/toko dan tempat usaha anda, dari ganguan fisik maupun gangguan gaib. Mahar Rp. 539.000,- Istimewa Rp. 2.000.000,-

Agar rumah anda aman dari bahaya  pencuri dan perampokan, rumah akan terlihat seperti lautan yang bergelombang seperti hutan belantara, bila pencuri masuk tidak akan bisa keluar (hilang kesadaran, bingung dan linglung) rumah juga terhindar dari kebakaran dll. (kirim nama dan nama ayah pemilik rumah) Mahar Rp. 800.000,- Khusus Rp. 2000.000,-

Lesu karena kebathinan? akan dibikin laris pesat dalam waktu dekat. Dengan anda akan dipenuhi pembeli dan untung barokah. (Syarat nama  dan nama ayah pemilik dagangan)
Mahar Rp. 800.000,-

Sarana untuk memikat dan memperlancar bisnis atau usaha apapun yang anda jalankan, menuju kesuksesan, menarik pembeli dan berbagai arah. Juga membersihkan, memagari dan menangkal pengaruh jahat baik secara manusiawi/gaib, dari tempat lokasi maupun dari lawan bisnis anda. Mahar Rp. 1.200.000,-

SERBAGUNA...!!! Terbuka ampuh, mau usaha apa saja, mau jual apa saja, mau kerja siang/malam. Pasti banyak pembeli, pelanggan, bisnis lancar. Cocok bagi yang mulai buka usaha sampai yang usaha sepi, menarik pembeli, pelanggan dan membuka aura tempat usaha serta diri anda.
Mahar Rp. 850.000,-

Khusus untuk penglaris usaha dagang besar/kecil agar dagangannya ramai, banyak pembeli dan cepat laku. Jual tanah, rumah, kantor, pabrik dengan harga bagus. Mahar Rp.990.000,-

Mudah pemakaiannya, cukup ditaruh ditempat menyimpan uang, atau ditaruh diatas pintu toko, bisa menarik pelanggan dari tempat penjuru arah, usaha jadi laris manis jika ditanam bisa menangkal berbagai sihir, guna-guna, tuyul, nyumpang dan berbagai macam bentuk pasugihan.
Mahar Rp. 950.000,-

Apapun jenis usaha anda, akan dibuat maju, ramai pelanggan, job mengalir, usaha sekala kecil ataupun besar sekaligus. Menangkal energi negative lawan usaha anda. Mendatangkan keberkahan hasil usaha anda. Cukup di taruh ditempat laci uang.
Mahar biasa Rp. 800.000,-
Khusus Rp. 1.600.000,-

Cara mempercepat menjual tanah, rumah, toko, dll. Sesuai dengan harga yang anda inginkan. Mahar Rp. 1.200.000,-

Apapun usaha anda besar maupun kecil dalam waktu relatif singkat akan maju pesat, untung besar, modal bertambah, laris manis, banyak pembeli dan pelanggan tetap memenangkan persaingan dagang, membersihkan sekaligus membuka kiriman black magic yang akan menutup usaha dangan anda dari segala penjuru, juga bisa untuk cepat laku jual tanah, rumah, pabrik, toko dan kendaraan, dll. Dalam waktu singkat bisa laku terjual, cocok dengan harga yang anda tawarkan.
Mahar Rp. 650.000
Khusus Rp.1.500.000,-

Cocok untuk pengusaha, bisnisman, pedagang, dll. Yang ingin meningkatkan pemasukan keuangan secara drastis, uang ini sanggup mendatangkan rejeki dalam waktu singkat dari segala arah. Apapun usaha anda bertambah maju & laris. Uang ini bisa diwariskan. Mahar Tk.I Rp. 500.000,- Tk.II Rp. 1.000.000,-  Tk.II Rp. 2.000.000,-

Tanah yang diritualkan memiliki kekuatan penderas rizki, memperlancar usaha, bisnis yang akan bangkrut menjadi maju serta menjaga dari gangguan gaib pesaing.
Mahar Rp. 890.000,-
Khusus Rp. 2.000.000,-

The CorelDRAW(R) Graphics Suite 12 Cast and Crew


| In :

Quality Assurance Team
* Amy Yu * Beverlee Redmond * Brian Fraser * Brian Lindsay * Carmen Au * Christel Mack * David Garrett * Dawn Ritchie * Delanie Fontaine * Donald Thibault * Doran Corkum * Douglas McNamara * Eric Cloutier * Eric Gutknecht * Eric Surprenant * Greg MacEwen * Jeremy Hutchinson * Kerry Liberty * Matthew Don * Melanie Becker * Mona Slaunwhite * Oumhani Belhout * Rina Fougere * Rob Finlayson * Ron Glenn * Scott Johnston * Sharon Potts * Sheila Wood * Stephan Smygwaty *  Suzanne Luzar *  Thomas Watts * Wendy Cook * Yvette Hodgson

Documentation Team
*  Ann-Marie Paquet * Berit Erickson * Carmen Humplik * Carol Laing * Catherine Haza * Gordon Roberts * Ian Symes * Ludmila Minkova * Nadezda Vladimirova * Shannon Fagan * Stela Kostova * Vanessa Gorham

Setup Engineering
*  Aaron Davis * Adam McKinty * Ben Fowler * Derek Williams * Frank Bolduc

Build Room
* Christine Maddalena * Derek Pierce

Development Team
*  Alex Kunadze * Alex Vakulenko * Aliaksandr Piashko * Anil Sadhashiv * Arvind Satrekar *  Benoît Farine * Benoît Majeau * Bill Yuan * Boban Bogdanic * Brian Pirie * Chris Holliday * Christopher Tremblay * Claude Péloquin * Cristian Craciunoiu * Daniel Jett * Dileep Simha * Dinesh Advani * Dmitry Medvedev * Frank Chen * Gennady Petrov * Gilles Beauparlant * Graham Brown * Hendrik Wagenaar * Ian Prest * Jeff Paciga * Jeff Preshing * Jody Power * Kurt Fraser * Matt Schnarr * Max Kuzmin * Nicolas Picard * Pascal Becheiraz * Pascal Lacaille * Pauline Branigan * Ravi Krishnamurthy * Rus Miller * Samaneh Lolabar * Sandhya Jahagirdhar * Séverine Girold * Stephen D'Souza * Stephen Mereu * Valentin Ivanov * Vladimir Makarov * Yahya Hasanain * Yan Rainville

Localization Team
* Bruno Bissonnette * Cara Perrier * Carol Weller * Christine Dalrymple * Dina Hamza * John Senez * Rajka Stefanovska * Sean Coleman

Translation Team
* Ana Rojo-Diez * Carole Cyr * Christian Manser * Maria do Carmo Soares * Natalie Nuesch * Paolo Maiorino

Localization Engineering
* Abraham Kayed * Adele Pavan * Andrew Henderson * Annabelle Luck * Caroline Sauvé * Craig Sinclair * Daniel Léger * Darrell MacKay * Derek MacKay * Gordana Borovcanin * Jennifer McGregor * Joan Li * José Martinez * Meghan Callman * Nathalie Fortin * Stuart Smith

Strategic Marketing
* Hossam Bahlool * Nick Davies * Sylvain Charron 

User Experience and Design
* Jennifer Fraser * Steve Szoczei

Program Management
* Paul Turnbull * Tony Severenuk

CorelDRAW(R) Graphics Suite - Version 12.0


| In :

 This software is the property of Corel Corporation and its licensors and is protected by copyright. Any reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.

Corel, CorelDRAW, WordPerfect, Corel R.A.V.E., Corel Painter, Corel PHOTO-PAINT, CorelTRACE, and Corel CAPTURE are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in Canada, the U.S. and/or other countries.

Bar Code Pro by Allen Lubow; program by Xinying Gu copyright (c) 1991-1996 SNX. All rights reserved. Bar Code Pro is a registered trademark of SYNEX.

The barcode technology used in CorelDRAW is based on Bar Code Pro(R) by SYNEX, publishers of microcomputer software, barcode readers and scanners.  For more information on the use of barcode call SYNEX at (718) 499-6293, write to SYNEX, 692 10th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215-4502 or visit their homepage at

Avery and Avery codes are trademarks of Avery Dennison Corporation.

Portions copyright (c) 2003 Bitstream Inc. All rights reserved.

DIC Color Guide Process Color Note computer color simulations used in this product may not match DIC Color Guide and DIC Color Guide Part2 identified solid color standards. 
Use current DIC Color Guide Process Color Note Manuals for better use. 
DIC, DIC Color Guide and Process Color Note are trademarks of Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc.

DIC, DIC Color Guide, Traditional Colors of Nippon and Process Color Note are trademarks of Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc. Dainippon Ink and Chemicals, Inc. (DIC) is the copyright owner of DIC Color Guide Process Color Note and Traditional Color of Nippon Process Color Note.

The DIC Color Guide Process Color Note and the Traditional Color of Nippon Process Color Note are licensed to Corel Corporation for distribution only for use in combination with CorelDRAW. No part of the DIC Color Guide Process Color Note and the Traditional Color of Nippon Process Color may be copied or used other than in combination with CorelDRAW.

Precaution in the use of the DIC Color Guide Process Color Note and the Traditional Color of Nippon Process Color Note: The DIC Color Guide Process Color Note is approximate expressions of 1,280 spot colors in the DIC Color Guide and the DIC Color Guide Part2 sample books. The Traditional Color of Nippon Process Color Note is approximate expressions of 300 spot colors in the Traditional Color of Nippon sample book. The DIC Color Guide Process Color Note and the Traditional Color of Nippon Process Color Note use numbers that correspond to those of the 1,580 colors contained in the DIC Color Guide, DIC Color Guide Part2 and Traditional Color of Nippon sample books. The DIC Color Guide Process Color Note and the Traditional Color of Nippon Process Color Note show asterisks (*) to the right of the color numbers that are substantially different from the colors in the DIC Color Guide, DIC Color Guide Part2 and Traditional Color of Nippon sample books.

The DIC Color Guide Process Color Note and the Traditional Color of Nippon Process Color Note are databases which have been made of the halftone color data (percentage) of yellow, magenta, cyan, and black offset process inks manufactured by DIC.

Please bear in mind the DIC Color Guide Process Color Note and the Traditional Color of Nippon Process Color Note are subject to change without notice.

Equation Editor (tm), a special version of Design Science's MathType(tm), is customized for use with Corel applications.  If you work a lot with equations, you may find that the extended version of the Equation Editor, called MathType is better suited to your needs.  For further information on MathType, contact Design Science at:  Design Science, Inc., 4028 Broadway, Long Beach, CA 90803, U.S.A., Phone: 800-827-0685, 310-433-0685, Fax: 310-433-6969,

DuPont SpectraMaster: A standard color matching system for selecting DuPont high performance automotive quality paint colors.  The 3368 actual paint chips of the SpectraMaster Solid Color Library can be used for accurate specification and selection of ten types of paint worldwide.  For more information please call DuPont at (800)533-1313.

FOCOLTONE Color System copyright (c) FocolTone, Ltd.

HKS Colour Palettes licensed from HKS Warenzeichenverband e.V.  HKS is a registered trademark of HKS Warenzeichenverband e.V.

Portions copyright (c) 2001 LEAD Technologies, Inc.

Portions copyright © 1996 MetaTools, Inc.  All rights reserved.  MetaTools is a registered trademark of MetaTools, Inc.

Portions copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.  Microsoft Visual Basic, and the Visual Basic logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or in other countries.

Portions copyright (c) Novell, Inc.  All rights reserved.

PANTONE(R) Colors displayed in the software application or in the user documentation may not match PANTONE-identified standards.  Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color.  PANTONE(R) and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc. (c) Pantone, Inc., 2003.

Pantone, Inc. is the copyright owner of color data and/or software which are licensed to Corel Corporation to distribute for use only in combination with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.  PANTONE Color Data and/or Software shall not be copied onto another disk or into memory unless as part of the execution of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.

PostScript interpreter software copyright (c) Pipeline Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.

Labels Unlimited copyright (c) 1993-1996 Softkey Multimedia Inc. and Bear Rock Technologies.

Wavelet Image Compressor copyright (c) 1992-1997 by Summus, Ltd. All rights reserved. WI and Summus are trademarks of Summus, Ltd.

Portions copyright (c) TiP Spolka z Organiczona Odpowiedzialnoscia.  All rights reserved.

Portions copyright (c) TRUMATCH, Inc.

Licensed under U.S. Patent No. 4,558,302 and foreign counterparts.

Portions copyright (c) Vantage Research Inc.  All rights reserved.

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12


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 Minimum System Requirements

    * Windows 2000 with SP4, or Windows XP with SP1 (Home, Professional, or Tablet PC Edition)
    * Pentium II, 200 MHz or greater
    * 128 MB RAM (256 MB RAM recommended)
    * Mouse or tablet
    * 1024 x 768 screen resolution (768 x 1024 on a Tablet PC)
    * CD-ROM drive
    * 250 MB hard disk space (CorelDRAW only; more space will be required for other suite applications)
    * Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher


Before installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12

    * Make sure that you system Date/Time are set correctly
    * Close all applications, including all virus detection programs and applications that are open in the system tray or on the Windows taskbar. Not doing so may increase the installation time and interfere with installation.
    * On Windows 2000 or XP, you should be logged in as an administrator or as a user with administrative rights.
    * Make sure that you have enough free disk space available on the drive where you want to install the application.
    * To avoid file and memory conflicts, close all running programs and delete the contents of your system's TEMP folders. [C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp] and [C:\\Temp]
    * Corel recommends that you install CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 in its own directory to avoid conflicts with previous versions.


    * For network administrators, a Network Administrator Guide (N.A.G.) is available to organizations that have purchased multiple licenses of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12. For more information, contact Corel's Licensing Department or Customer Service.

Installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12

Before you begin, read "Before installing CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12," above.

   1. Insert Disc 1 in the CD drive.
      If the Intro screen does not start automatically, click Start on the Windows taskbar, and click Run. Type D:\Intro.exe or D:\Setup.exe, where D is the letter that corresponds to the CD drive.
   2. Follow the instructions for installing the application.

Uninstalling CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12

For Windows 2000

   1. On the Windows taskbar, click Start > Settings > Control panel > Add/remove programs.
      If you want to keep your user files such as preferences, presets, user-created fills, and customized files, click Remove. If you want to remove user files, click Change, and then click Remove. You will be prompted to remove user files.

For Windows XP

   1. On the Windows taskbar, click Start > Control panel > Add or remove programs.
      If you want to keep your user files such as preferences, presets, user-created fills, and customized files, click Remove. If you want to remove user files, click Change, and then click Remove. You will be prompted to remove user files.


Documentation and Tutorials

The electronic documentation files listed below are available with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12. If installed, these documents can be accessed by clicking Start on the Windows taskbar, and clicking Programs > CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 > Documentation. Unless otherwise noted, these files are in PDF format and require Adobe Reader or a compatible application to view them. Adobe Reader is available for download from

    * The CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 User Guide can be installed during setup. If installed, it will be linked from the Windows Start menu under CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 > Documentation. If not installed, you can add it to your existing installation through Control panel > Add/remove programs. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12, Change.
    * Quick Reference Cards for CorelDRAW, Corel PHOTO-PAINT and Corel R.A.V.E. are available for each application as separate PDF files.
    * If the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) component for CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 is installed, the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Programming Guide for VBA as well as the Object Model documents will be available.
    * Tutorials for CorelDRAW 12, Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12 and Corel R.A.V.E. 3 are available for each application and accessible from the Start menu. The start pages are in HTML format and require an Internet browser to view them, while the individual tutorials are PDF files. All sample files for tutorials are available from the ...\Program Files\Corel\Corel Graphics 12\Languages\\Tutorials\Samples files or the equivalent subfolder.

Digital Content

    * Hundreds of TrueType and Type 1 fonts are included with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12; however, they must first be added or installed to be used within applications. For more information on installing fonts, refer to your Windows documentation, the Help within Font Navigator or any other font management program.
    * Fonts are available within the Fonts folder on CD #3, as well as within the Extra Fonts folder located on CD #2.
    * Extra Pattern fill, Spraylist and Tile files are available on CD #2. Brush textures, Image lists and Sound files are available on CD #3. See the Help for more information on how to load and use these files within CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 applications.
    * Samples files for each application are available in a samples sub-folder for each application
      (for example, ..\Program Files\Corel\Corel Graphics 12\Draw\Samples).

All Applications


Periodically, it may be necessary to restore the application’s workspace to the default settings. To do this, hold down F8, and start the application. A dialog box appears asking if you want to overwrite the current workspace with the factory default. Click Yes. The application will start using the default settings for the currently selected workspace. Note that you will lose any workspace customization that you have done. See the Help for information about creating, using, and customizing multiple workspaces.

In some language modules, controls may appear smaller than the same control in other languages causing text in the controls to be cut off. Holding down F8 while restarting the application to reset the language module workspace may resolve the issue. Note that you will lose any workspace customization that you have done (unless you have exported your workspace previously). See the Help for information about creating, using, and customizing multiple workspaces.

Performance (all applications)
A minimum 200 MB paging file is recommended for best performance when using CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 applications. Paging file sizes are set in the Operating system >Virtual memory controls.

Color Management:

    * Composite output of duotones is grayscale.
    * Using the Find and replace feature may remove overprint from fills.
    * Drop shadows in Corel PHOTO-PAINT don't fully support CMYK — original CMYK values are not guaranteed on output.

Tablet PC

If you're using a Tablet PC with a Wacom interface, and you don't have pen pressure support, you can fix this by getting a Tablet PC driver update from Wacom.

CorelDRAW 12 and Corel R.A.V.E. 3

File I/O:

    You can make use of the new Unicode compatibility and have all application text (for example, layer names, object names, and so on) from earlier versions appear correctly. To do this, when opening a file created in an earlier version that ran on an operating system with a different code page from that of your current operating system, make sure to set the appropriate code page in the Open dialog box. For example, if you created a CorelDRAW 11 file on a Japanese operating system and you are opening the file in CorelDRAW 12 running on an English operating system, when opening the file, you would need to set the code page to 932.

    When opening CDR/DES files created in Corel DESIGNER Professional SG that contain unsupported objects (for example, diametric/radial dimensions or callouts), a warning message will appear indicating that the file contains unsupported objects. These objects will appear locked while working in CorelDRAW 12. You will have the option of unlocking them and converting them to grouped objects; however, if you wish to resave the file and maintain the Corel DESIGNER Professional SG features intact, you should leave these objects locked.


    If CorelDRAW 12 is installed on a system that also has CorelDRAW 11 and/or CorelDRAW 10, the search capability in the earlier versions will be affected. After completing a search in CorelDRAW 11 or 10, a blank list is generated in the Results window. To avoid this, you can modify the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\COREL\CorelSearch\CorelDRAW12. Modify the registry key from a dynamic value to the absolute language ID (for example, if searching in English, the modification would be to change the path from ..\Languages\\Programs\Search.idx to ..\Languages\EN\Programs\Search.idx)

    New functionality
    CorelDRAW 12 now has the added functionality of being able to copy your content from the CD to another location and continue using the Scrapbook features. To make use of this new functionality, you will need to do the following:

           1. In the location of your choice, create a folder that has the same name as the volume label of the content CD (for example, for the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 clipart disk, you would require a folder called "CG12_CLPART").
           2. Copy the entire contents of that CD, including the volinfo.txt file, into this folder.
           3. In the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_Machine\Software\Corel\Media\Corel GRAPHICS 12 Clipart (Disk2), change the path to the location of the folder you created in step #1.
           4. In the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_Machine\Software\Corel\Media\Corel GRAPHICS 12 Photos (Disk3), change the path to the location of the folder you created in step #1.
              You will now be able to browse and perform searches on your photos & objects without the need to use the content CDs.

Web Features

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later, and Netscape Navigator 4, are required for the Web features of CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12

Artistic Media Tool

The Artistic media tool can spray and brush effects, such as transparencies and lenses; however, overlapping several strokes may decrease application performance.


    * For multilingual support in Windows 2000, do the following: From the control panel, double-click Regional options. Click the General tab, and click Set default. This changes the system code page. Then, install the appropriate keyboard or input method editor (IME).
    * For multilingual support in Windows XP, do the following with an administrator account: From the control panel, click Date, time, language, and regional options. Click Regional and language options. Click the Advanced tab. In the Language for non-Unicode programs area, choose a language from the list box. Then, install the appropriate keyboard or IME.
    * In Windows 2000, changing the default Writing Tool language to a language for which there is currently no keyboard installed will install the language keyboard.
    * When TrueDoc is used to embed fonts within a document, double-byte and bidirectional fonts are not supported.
    * To change the code page of selected text and selected text objects, click Text > Encode. It is recommended that the code page be set first, in Text > Encode prior to applying non-unicode fonts to selected text and selected text objects.

Tablet PC & Pen support
If you're using a Tablet PC with a Wacom interface, and you don't have pen pressure support, you can fix this by getting a Tablet PC driver update from Wacom.

Corel R.A.V.E. 3

Corel R.A.V.E. 1.0 or 2.0 files involving rotated tweened objects that had their rotation center point altered will animate differently in Corel R.A.V.E. 3.



      Sound for Web rollover states is not supported in Netscape Navigator.

      128 MB of RAM is the minimum requirement to use the Cutout tool. However, for larger images you should make sure you have at least 3 times the image size in available memory (either real or virtual memory).



      To print from some printers (such as HP20PS), you may have to disable the page orientation prompt. To disable the prompt, click Tools > Options, and from the Global list of categories choose Printing. Choose Off- Always match orientation for the Page orientation prompt option.

      The Print dialog box may not not launch unless an active printer is made the default printer.

      On some HP PostScript printers, some gradients may not match the file.

      Hairline outlines with transparencies applied may not print as expected on non-PostScript printers.

      On PostScript printers, some fountain fills do not match the file.

      Print Merge

      When more than one field is used for merging, you cannot rename a field.

      Performing a merge with an ODBC Data source may display a document with blank fields (example: Microsoft Excel).



        * Character spacing may not be as expected when importing PDF files containing fonts that are not installed on your system. Selecting a similar font or embedding the font in the PDF file resolves the problem. If you embed the font, the PDF file will be slightly larger.
        * Pattern fills and square gradients in PDF files cannot be imported into CorelDRAW or Corel R.A.V.E.
        * Duotone and placed EPS files cannot be displayed in exported PDF files; however, they do print properly.
        * Backward compatibility to CorelDraw 11 PDF import: Fonts in a PDF file created in CorelDRAW 12 will import into CorelDRAW 11 as question marks. This is due to Unicode characters in CorelDRAW 12 PDFs.
        * Acrobat 6.0 files are not fully supported for PDF import.
        * Adobe Illustrator 11 CS files are not fully supported for PDF/AI import.

    JPEG 2000 (JP2)

        * Not all Web browsers support the JPEG 2000 file format (JPEG 2000 Standard and JPEG 2000 Codestream). You may require a plug-in to view files saved to this format.
        * JP2 import filter supports JPEG 2000 Standard and JPEG 2000 Codestream.
        * JPEG 2000 Codestream uses the .jp2 filename extension with metadata on export.

    Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

        * The following units are supported on export: inches, centimeters, millimeters, pixels and percentage.
        * The W3C Filter effects, Interact, Script, Animation, Extend, and DOM features are not supported.
        * Gradient and pattern outlines are not supported on import.
        * Images containing lenses may not export properly to SVG.
        * Rounded rectangles are converted to curves on import.
        * To preview SVG files through the SVG export dialog box, you need an SVG viewer.

    Visio (VSD)

        * Versions 4, 5, and 2002 are supported.

    QuickTime (MOV)

        * To open, import, save, or export to the QuickTime (MOV) and QuickTime VR (QTVR) file formats, QuickTime Player 5 or higher must be installed.

    FreeHand (FH)

        * Range kerning may not be retained when importing FreeHand 8 files containing text. FreeHand 8 files containing text boxes inside other objects do not import properly as PowerClip objects.

    Macromedia Flash (SWF)

        * Images containing lenses may not export properly to the Macromedia Flash (SWF) file format.

    Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

        * When exporting transparent backgrounds to the Portable Network Graphics (PNG) file format, the background is combined with the image.
        * Not all browsers support PNG transparency. Please check with your browser documentation.

    Windows 3.x / Windows NT Icon Resource (ICO)

        * The ICO file format is supported on Windows only; it is not supported on the Mac OS. When importing an ICO file containing a mask, the mask may import incorrectly.

    AutoCAD (DXF)

    * When importing DXF files, the Auto-reduce nodes option removes hidden lines caused by multiple views within the file. It does not modify nodes on curve objects.
    * Importing file formats that contain 3D objects will have unexpected results.
    * Convert Prefect Shapes to curves before exporting to DXF. If a drawing contains perfect shapes, an incomplete file is created.
    * On export, all fonts are mapped to an AutoCAD default font, txt.shx.
    * When a document contains lines of 1.0 or 2.0 mm thickness, exporting the document results in an incomplete file.

    Adobe Photoshop (PSD)

    When exporting to the Adobe Photoshop (PSD) file format with the Maintain layers option enabled, preview is unavailable and the file size indicator is incorrect.

    Corel DESIGNER / Micrografx Designer (DSF)

    Line caps on thick lines may appear very large after importing.

    Blended objects may shrink in the middle of the blend.


    * When importing multilingual text, click the Options button, and select a code page that corresponds to the language the text was formatted in.
    * Upon importing text, all characters are converted to Unicode.
    * Under some scenarios the text may appear as blocks. This usually indicates that the selected font does not have characters needed to display that range of Unicode values. Try selecting or obtaining a font that has the required characters.
    * Multilingual text is supported for Rich Text Format (RTF) and for most text and spreadsheet formats (such as Microsoft Word (DOC), WordPerfect (WPD), and other supported text formats that store multilingual data).
    * Japanese text imports only as RTF.

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications

To use Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications within CorelDRAW 12 and Corel PHOTO-PAINT 12, Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 6.3 must be installed. Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 6.3 is included in the CorelDRAW Graphic Suite 12 Setup under Utilities and is installed by default during a typical installation.

VBA Programming Guide for CorelDRAW 12

The VBA Programming Guide for CorelDRAW 12 will help you automate tasks and create custom solutions using VBA. If you installed CorelDRAW using the typical install, or a custom install that included VBA, then the guide is accessible from a link in the VBA Help for CorelDRAW or from the corresponding CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 Start menu shortcut.

Updating Macros from CorelDRAW 11 to CorelDRAW 12

To ensure that a macro written for CorelDRAW 11 will work as designed in CorelDRAW 12, you may need to change the name of the class, method, or property, or you may have to change parameters for the macro.

GMS Folders in the User Profile Path

GMS files are normally saved to the GMS folders under the Corel Graphics 12\Draw and Corel Graphics 12\CorelPHOTO-PAINT folders. If the user does not have write access to these folders, the GMS folders will be saved to the User Draw and CorelPHOTO-PAINT folders.

To use the Add-ins for a Windows XP Limited User Account

Follow the steps below to use add-ins for a Limited User account (the example is for Corel PHOTO-PAINT):

   1. Log in with administrator privileges to the system where you want to run the add-in.
   2. Run regsvr32.exe on the add-in. This will add the required class IDs and registry keys that only an administrator can create.
   3. Run regedit.exe. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Corel/Corel PHOTO-PAINT/12.0/Addins.
   4. Select the key for your add-in (for example, PhotoPaint.Addin1).
   5. From the Registry menu, click Export registry file. Enable the Selected branch option, type a filename in the File name box, and click Save.
   6. Log in to the Limited User account and run regedit.exe.
   7. From the Registry menu, click Import registry file, specify the .reg file that you exported in step 5, and click Open.
      You should be able to run the add-in from this Limited User account.